
Learning Swift

Welcome to New Swift Developer!

This blog is my attempt to document my journey learning the Swift programming language. My primary focus is on learning to write applications for the Apple ecosystem, including iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS. I will be sharing information on the concepts that I learn, resources that I find helpful in my journey, and the challenges and frustrations that I face along the way.

For me the best way to learn something is to write about it. Not only does it help me to clarify my thoughts, it also pushes me to make sure I have all the correct information. Writing identifies gaps, which we don’t always see when we keep it in our heads. The other thing that writing does is free up space in our brains for more important information. I could try to remember the code snippet that I use to activate a python virtual environment in a script, but why bother if all I have to do is have it stored in a reliable location? Then all I have to do is remember where it is. (In case anyone came here via a search hoping to find it, I’ll include it at the end of the post.)

While I strive for accuracy, I am certainly not an expert. If you have productive feedback, I welcome it. You can post it in the comments or send me an email. My goal is to keep these pages updated as my understanding and knowledge grow.

Python Code.

activate_this = "${PATH_TO_VIRTUALENVS}/${VIRTUALENV}/bin/"
with open(activate_this) as f:
        code = compile(, activate_this, 'exec')
        exec(code, dict(__file__=activate_this))


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